One Elra Pre-K Class

One Elra Pre-K Class

Once a month each of the fifteen pre-K children in Ms. Xymaitra’s class
produce masterpieces on an 18″ X 24″ canvas. And nine other ELRA pre-K
classes do the same.

Their teachers provide the paper, easel, acrylic paint, fat brushes – and the
children do the rest – individually – independently.

No one tells them what to draw – they step up to the task and feel free
to put their marks on the page.

Look at the results – the thin lines, thick lines, shapes, swirls, densities, color
combinations, dots, dashes – the creativity of four-year-old students!

Renowned abstract expressionist artists such as Rothko, Kandinsky, Miro,
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Klee, Frankenthaler  would be in awe.

We should be too!

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